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- Short: DOpus4.x configuration with many features
- Author: mrohles@wtal.de (Marcel Rohles)
- Uploader: mrohles@wtal.de (Marcel Rohles)
- Version: 1.60
- Type: biz/dopus
- Kurz: DOpus 4.x Konfiguration, viele Funktionen
- Required: many programs, list included
- What is it?: DOpusConfig is a configuration file for Directory Opus 4.xx.
- For detailed information about features please read the history
- part in this document.
- You can use this config file as is is and will get some error
- messages while e.g. double click on AVI/Movie files because
- required program is configured to my harddisk-path or
- you can edit the config to suit to your own system
- For an overview over all configured pathes please check included
- DOpusConfig-Requirements file.
- DOpusCFG is MAILWARE. So if you use it you will have to send me
- an e-mail.
- Also check out my brand new homepage under:
- http://home.wtal.de/mrohles
- Installation: At first check requirements so have a look at
- DOpusConfig-Requirements included in this packet - if you want to
- use all features you have to install all of them!
- OK, let´s go on - I guess you are using DOpus, don´t you?
- Just get it from AMINET:biz/dopus/DOpus***JRbin.lha
- After installing DOpus rename your old config file into
- DirectoryOpus.cfg.old (or something else) and copy all files
- in c/ to your c: assign, fonts/ to fonts:, etc.
- At last add an assign REXX: to your REXX directory and copy
- contents of rexx/ directory into it.
- Now you are able to use the new config file and have fun with it!
- Some overview:
- o Menues with options for Special / Packing / Converter
- o More than 100 configured Buttons
- o Supports more than 70 filetypes (* / ** means filetype is
- recognised only by name pattern matching)
- Class Class ID
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- 24-Bit IFF-Picture ILBM24
- ADF-DiskFiles ADF
- ADF-DiskFiles ADZ
- AIFF-Audio file AIFF
- Amiga Meta File AMF
- Amiga-Guide Text GUIDE
- AmiPack-Archiv AMPK
- ARexx script AREXX
- ARJ-Archiv ARJ
- AVI-Movie AVI
- BMP-picture BMP
- BZIP archive BZIP
- CDXL-Animation CDXL **
- Digi Booster Music module DBM
- DiskMasher-Archive DMS
- FinalCopy/Writer document SWRT
- Fli/Flc Animation FLI/FLC
- GIF-picture GIF
- GPatch Patchfile GPATCH
- GSM-Sound GSM *
- GZIP archive GZIP
- Html-Site HTML **
- IFF-Animation ANIM
- IFF-Deep picture DEEP
- IFF-Picture ILBM
- ISO CD-Image (Only Mode 1, TAO) ISO
- LHA-Archiv LHA
- LZX-Archiv LZX
- MAUD-Sample MAUD
- MAXON-Cinema 4D Datafile C4D
- MD5 Checksum file MD5 **
- Metaview CGM CGM
- Metaview DR2D DR2D
- Metaview FIG FIG
- MIDI file MIDI
- MPEG-Animation MPEG
- MPEG1-Audio Layer 1,2,3 MPEGA
- OS 2.1 + Catalog file CATALOG
- PCX-picture PCX
- PGP-encrypted datafile PGP
- Piktogramm ICON
- PNG-picture PNG
- PPM file PPM
- PS3M-Musikmodul PS3M
- PSX Gamedata file (.PSX) PSX
- PSX MemoryCard file (MCD) MCD
- PSX Video files STREAM
- Quicktime-Movie MOV *
- RAR-Archiv RAR
- Reko-Cardset REKO
- Run Archive RUN
- SHRINK Archive SHR
- SID - Tune SID
- Super Smooth Animation SSA
- SZIP Archiv SZIP
- TAR-Archiv TAR **
- TAR-Archiv, GZIP packed TGZ
- TIFF picture TIFF
- TrueTypeFont TTF
- Turboprint Graphic Publisher TP
- VOC audio file VOC
- WAVE Soundfile WAVE
- Windows CAB Archive FILE or EXE CAB
- Windows Meta File WMF
- xDM Archiv XDM
- XPK-packed file XPK
- YAFA-Animation YAFA
- ZIP Archiv ZIP
- ZOO-Archiv ZOO